DIY Wooden Poster Frame
Monday, March 14, 2016
Hey guys, I just wrapped up my second DIY, taking on another artwork project. A Facebook friend shared a video of this particular DIY and I immediately thought I needed this for my bedroom gallery wall. If you’re like me and always forget to change up artwork in your frames, this is a perfect DIY for you. This gives your custom prints a home that you can easily change out whenever the mood strikes.
First things first..You’ll need supplies! I was able to get all of mine from Hobby Lobby.1. Wood strips (mine came in a pack of six)
2. Magnets
3. Hemp
4. Glue Gun
First, glue the magnets to both ends of the wood strips. Once the glue has dried, tie the hemp around each end (making sure the knot will be on the inside rather than showing on the outside of the frame.
Once you have glued all the magnets on each wooden strip, you can then lay your print in between and let the magnets come together. It should hold your print firmly together.
All that's left is to hang the final product! This was such an easy and affordable project that adds so much character to a gallery wall. I definitely recommend this to anyone who is looking for a fast and incredibly simple way to spruce up any space.
- Katie